Jerry is focusing on issues that matter to Coloradans.

  • Joe Biden’s inflationary policies have made the cost of living unaffordable for too many Coloradans. And the debt crisis that has ballooned under Joe Biden is threatening the financial solvency of the United States.

    The Biden Administration has engaged in rampant spending and attacks on our critical oil and gas industry. These failed policies caused inflation to spike and persist, and now Coloradans are paying more for everyday goods.

    “Bidenomics” has caused Bidenflation, and it’s failing our state and country.

    Jerry Sonnenberg understands the basics of economics: rein in spending, tighten the budget, and let Coloradans keep more of their hard-earned money.

    As a state senator, Jerry led the effort to reduce the income tax for all Coloradans and he will fight against any tax increase in Congress.

    As a member of the Capital Development Committee, Jerry fought to rein in wasteful government spending that abused taxpayer dollars. Jerry understands that taxpayers are not the government’s piggy bank, and he will work in Congress to get the federal budget under control.

    As a rancher, Jerry understands how burdensome regulations from the federal government hurt family farms like his and other small businesses. That’s why Jerry will work to reduce the regulatory burden facing too many Coloradans.

  • Joe Biden’s open border policies have created an unprecedented illegal immigration crisis that threatens our safety and sovereignty. Every state is now a border state, including Colorado.

    We are seeing Colorado communities ripped apart by fentanyl, a poison that’s trafficked into the United States by Mexican drug cartels who take advantage of the border crisis caused by the Biden Administration.

    This crisis is also exacerbating the problems that exist within America’s immigration system that hurts our agriculture industry in Colorado.

    Jerry Sonnenberg knows what it takes to secure the southern border and stop illegal Immigration.

    Jerry believes we must end the incentives that are encouraging migrants to cross illegally into our country.

    Jerry fought against providing illegal immigrants with taxpayer-funded state benefits that would have made Colorado a magnet for illegal immigration.

    In Congress, Jerry will fight to close the loopholes in America’s immigration laws that fuel this border crisis.

    Jerry will also work to reimplement the Trump Administration policies that secured the southern border.

  • The oil and gas industry is vital to America - our economy, workforce, and national security depend on it. We know that well in Colorado as one of America’s top producers.

    But Joe Biden has attacked American oil and gas since the day he took office. Biden has hampered production, canceled pipelines, imposed unnecessary regulations, and demonized the hardworking Americans who fuel our economy.

    Biden’s attacks on American energy have fueled an inflation crisis and have emboldened our adversaries like Russia, China, and Iran.

    This is hurting America and it’s hurting Colorado.

    Jerry Sonnenberg will work in Congress to restore American energy dominance.

    As Chairman of the Agriculture, Natural Resources, and Energy Committee in the Colorado Senate, Jerry fought to increase oil and gas production and protect the industry from onerous environmental regulations.

    Jerry will bring that same mentality to Congress because he knows American energy is the most affordable, reliable, and environmentally friendly in the world.

  • As a rancher, Jerry Sonnenberg knows how vital agriculture is to our state and country. Farmers and ranchers feed America as well as the rest of the world and are the best stewards of her lands.

    Jerry has worked hard to protect Colorado’s status as a top agriculture producing state and protect our farming and ranching way of life in the Eastern Plains.

    As Chairman of the Agriculture, Natural Resources, and Energy Committee in the Colorado Senate, Jerry has stood up for farmers and ranchers against burdensome environmental regulations from the state and federal government.

    Jerry knows that oftentimes the best thing the federal government can do for farmers and ranchers is stay out of their way. That’s why Jerry will work every single day in Congress to make sure the federal government is not impeding on the ability of farmers and ranchers to provide our citizens with the safest and most affordable food, earn a living, provide for their families, and succeed in rural Colorado.

  • The Colorado Taxpayer’s Bill of Rights holds government accountable, reigns in spending, and returns refunds to the people. Jerry Sonnenberg has been a champion for TABOR, and will take this same mindset to Washington, D.C. to hold the federal government accountable and end wasteful spending there.

    Jerry sponsored Colorado’s most recent income tax cut that was successfully passed by voters. As a County Commissioner, he was on the frontlines fighting against the recently defeated Prop HH. Prop HH would have stolen TABOR refunds from hardworking Coloradans, but it was shot down by voters at a 20% margin.

    Jerry will fight for taxpayers over government -- here at home and in D.C. -- and find ways to put more dollars back in the pockets of taxpayers.

  • Jerry Sonnenberg is a pro-life conservative and always will be. His faith, strong family values, and dedication to protecting life informs his policymaking.

    Jerry fought to end late-term abortion in Colorado and believes Colorado’s current abortion laws are in conflict with the basic sanctity of human life, science, and where most commonsense Coloradans are on this issue.

    In Congress, Jerry will work to end late-term abortion, ensure protections for babies born alive after an attempted abortion, prohibit any taxpayer funding of abortion, and also provide greater resources for mothers including career support, child care, and more.

  • Jerry Sonnenberg will always stand up for the Second Amendment rights of Coloradans.

    The right to keep and bear arms is enshrined in America’s Constitution, and Jerry will always fight against attempts to weaken, diminish, or take away that right.

    Jerry fought against gun-grabs in the Colorado legislature and spoke out in defense of the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding Coloradans.

    Jerry will continue his defense of the Second Amendment in Congress, fighting against proposals that target gun owners and make it more difficult for Americans to exercise their constitutional right.

  • As a parent and grandparent, Jerry Sonnenberg knows that parents belong in the driver seat of their children’s lives.

    Parents - not the government - should be the decision makers when it comes to a child’s education and upbringing. That’s why Jerry will always stand up for parental rights in Congress.

    He will fight for a Parents Bill of Rights, ensuring that parents have a say in what their kids are learning at school, transparency in all matters regarding curriculum, and the power to determine their child’s education journey.